System Requirements & Installation
The following guide describes system requirements, dependencies, and installation details recommended for running a Towns Stream Node. This guide applies to nodes running in either Testnet or Mainnet.
System Requirements & Dependencies
To run a Towns Stream Node, an operator will need to run a Node Frontend (FE) and Node Storage layer, postgres database, with a specific network configuration.
Please read the below requirements carefully prior to proceeding with node setup.
Node FE’s can be installed either from docker with the Towns public ECR image registry or built from source code.
Installation from Docker
Node FE Environment Variables
Towns Stream Nodes run expecting certain environment variables to be present in the process environment and set at runtime. Config, which is described in config.go, is injected into the binary at runtime using viper.
Environment Variable | Purpose | Required | Testnet Value | Secret |
ARCHITECTCONTRACT__ADDRESS | SpaceFactory contract address in Base Network | Yes | 0x968696BC59431Ef085441641f550C8e2Eaca8BEd | - |
ARCHITECTCONTRACT__VERSION | Contract interface version | Yes | v3 | - |
BASECHAIN__CHAINID | Base ChainId | Yes | 84532 | - |
BASECHAIN__NETWORKURL | Base Chain RPC Url | Yes | | Yes |
CHAINSSTRING | List of chainIds and network RPC Urls supported | Yes | see Cross-chain Requirements | - |
DATABASE__DATABASE | Postgres DB Name | Yes | river | - |
DATABASE__EXTRA | Extra Postgres Options | Yes | ?sslmode=disable&pool_max_conns=1000 | - |
DATABASE__HOST | Postgres DB Host Url | Yes | - | - |
DATABASE__PASSWORD | Postgres DB Password | Yes | - | Yes |
DATABASE__PORT | Postgres DB port | Yes | 5432 | - |
DATABASE__USER | Postgres DB username | Yes | - | - |
DD_TAGS | Used by Datadog for metrics collection | No | env: (gamma), node_url:(your complete node url) | No |
ENTITLEMENT_CONTRACT__ADDRESS | Entitlement contract address in Base Network | Yes | 0x08cC41b782F27d62995056a4EF2fCBAe0d3c266F | - |
LOG__FORMAT | Log format option | No | text | - |
LOG__LEVEL | Default log level | No | info | - |
LOG__NOCOLOR | Logging without color | No | true | - |
METRICS__ENABLED | Metrics exporter enabled | No | true | - |
METRICS__PORT | Metrics export port | No | 8081 | - |
PERFORMANCETRACKING__PROFILINGENABLED | Used by Datadog for cpu profiling | no | true | No |
PERFORMANCETRACKING__TRACINGENABLED | Used by Datadog for tracing | no | true | No |
PORT | Port RPC service listens on | Yes | 443 | - |
REGISTRYCONTRACT__ADDRESS | River Registry contract address in Towns Chain Network | Yes | 0xf18E98D36A6bd1aDb52F776aCc191E69B491c070 | - |
RIVERCHAIN__CHAINID | Towns Chain chainId | Yes | 6524490 | - |
RIVERCHAIN__NETWORKURL | Towns Chain RPC Url | Yes | | Yes |
RUN_MODE | Stream Node Run Mode (full, archive) | No | full | - |
SKIP_GENKEY | Skip generating node ECDSA wallet keypair | Yes | true | - |
STANDBYONSTART | Start node in standby mode | No | false | - |
STORAGE_TYPE | postgres or in-memory | No | postgres | - |
TLSCONFIG__CERT | TLS certificate value for node hostname | Yes | - | Yes |
TLSCONFIG__KEY | TLS certificate key for node hostname | Yes | - | Yes |
WALLETPRIVATEKEY | Node ECDSA private key string | Yes | - | Yes |
Testnet Values provided above are as of May 2024. New contract addresses can
be found in packages/generated/**
of river repo.
Environment variables marked as Secret require proper encrypted storage and management. It is up to node operators to choose a secure store for such secrets depending on their runtime operating environment be it cloud or on-premise.
Cross-chain Requirements
environment variable is a comma-separated, colon delimited list of chain ID’s and RPC Urls that is required for nodes to support cross-chain entitlement checks.
As of June 2024, the Towns network must support the following chainIds listed in the below table for testnet, mainnet, respectively.
As an example, using redacted RPC urls from Web3 providers, the CHAINSSTRING
environment variable for Mainnet would look like:
Testnet Cross-Chain Chain Ids Required
On testnet, nodes should support the following chain ids with configured RPC endpoints for cross-chain entitlement checks.
Chain Id | Network |
1 | Ethereum Mainnet |
11155111 | Ethereum Sepolia |
8453 | Base Mainnet |
84532 | Base Sepolia |
42161 | Arbitrum One |
137 | Polygon Mainnet |
10 | Optimism Mainnet |
10200 | Gnosis Chiado |
Mainnet Cross-Chain Chain Ids Required
On mainnet, nodes should support the following 6 chain ids for cross-chain entitlement checks.
Chain Id | Network |
1 | Ethereum Mainnet |
8453 | Base Mainnet |
42161 | Arbitrum One |
137 | Polygon Mainnet |
10 | Optimism Mainnet |
100 | Gnosis |
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